oesaka.co.id – dua puluh empat pemuda warga negara timor leste telah sukses menyelesaikan pelatihan pengolahan limbah sabut kelapa menjadi 200+ integreatednya.
Keset sabut kelapa menjadi pilihan utama pengolahan limbah sabut kelapa di timor leste karena selain manfaatnya yang sangat banyak diminati, keset sabut kelapa ketika rusak tidak akan menjadi limbah yang berbahaya bahkan menjadi pupuk organik jika diletakan dibawah tanaman pohon buah atau pohon bunga.
Pelatihan ini di danai oleh uni eropa, selengkapnya anda bisa kunjungi situs resmi dari Uni Eropa klik disini

The Training of Trainers programme engaged 24 participants, including 6 women, from training institutions, cooperative groups, NGOs, and the private sector. Through intensive days of practical learning, the training created new opportunities for income generation and promoted green resource utilization in agroforestry products by processing what is usually considered coconut waste.
The coconut fiber derived from coconut husks, can be transformed into a variety of valuable products, including ropes, mats, doormats, pots, brushes, sacks, mattress stuffing, coco peat, insulation, webbing for soil stabilization, etc. However, in Timor-Leste, the processing of coconut fiber remains very limited. Large amounts of coconut waste are often dumped and left unused, despite its significant potential. This training aimed to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to utilize coconut waste effectively, helping to improve livelihoods, create employment opportunities, and boost incomes across Timor-Leste. Similarly with coconut shell, that usually discarded, could be processed into charcoal and briquette for various purposes, such as barbeque charcoal, shisha charcoal, water filter, etc.